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Sheep/Goat, Horse and Swine

Single boer goat no background

Our primary focus is on small operations that rely on identifying useful traits in their animals that might fetch them additional value in the market. Useful genetic traits like the the RN gene in swine as well as scrapie resistant sheep, clearly creates additional value. We have selected a few tests that are useful for positive trait improvement and genetic disease elimination in your farm.

GenoTypica offers custom solutions or off-the-shelf solutions for all your trait and genetic disease detection needs. If there is a test that you consider important and do not see on our list, feel free to contact us and ask about it. In most cases, we should be able to work with you and develop the needed testing within a few weeks. The following tests are currently available:

Swine Tests:

  • Traits: Dystrophin (DMD), Porcine Stress Syndrome (PSS/HAL 1843), Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), Porcine cholecystokinin type A receptor (CCKAR)
  • Carcass Traits:PRKAG3 (I119V), Rendement Napole (RN), Calpastatin (CAST249 and CAST638)
  • Maternal Traits: Estrogen receptor (ESR) and Erythropoietin receptor gene (EPOR).

Sheep and Goat Tests:

Scrapie Resistance in sheep (positions 136 and 171genotypes in the PrP gene), Lentivirus (OPPV) Susceptibility in Sheep (TMEM154), Booroola - high rate of multiple births- (FecB).

Horse Tests:

Coat Color (MC1R), Myostatin (MSTN) - the speed gene test, Polysaccharide storage myopathy (GYS1).

Other Tests in Development:

Gait and coordination in horse (DMRT3).

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